Ghost stories from around the globe
In October 2001, I was told a strange story by a woman from the community of Francois.
They returned to the Readfield Historical Society expecting to hear a metaphysical teacher delivering a grammar lesson and the sound of a chalkboard being cleaned.
My house is weatherboard, on wooden stilts, and it vibrates as you walk through the house. Never ever have I had anything paranormal happen to me before this.
I know that many Ask Doc Paranormal readers are devoted pet lovers with animal companions who are just like family members. However, it is an unfortunate fact of life that dogs and cats have shorter life spans and enter the spirit world before us.
With pic and video.
For about 10 days in February 1970, a series of strange occurrences is said to have plagued 237 Church St, Apt. 1. Pictures flying off walls. Bookcases crashing to the floor without cause. A police officer sitting in a chair that was picked up six inches off the floor.
Spooks in my hometown.